Embrace a New Smile with Our Orthodontic Treatment

Discover the path to a perfect smile through our advanced orthodontic treatments, offered in the bustling city of Chennai. Our top-rated clinic specialises in providing comprehensive solutions for correcting dental misalignments, overcrowding, and bite issues, all without relying solely on the traditional methods of braces. At the forefront of orthodontic innovation, we tailor each treatment plan to meet the individual needs and preferences of our patients, ensuring a comfortable and personalised journey to a straighter smile. If you are looking for the best orthodontist near me, Radiant Dental Care is here to offer exceptional care that fits within your budget. Schedule your consultation with us today and take the first step towards a more confident and healthy smile, powered by the latest in orthodontic care.

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Myofunctional Appliances

Myofunctional appliances are specialised orthodontic appliances designed to correct problems with the function of the muscles and soft tissues in the mouth and face. These appliances are typically used to treat issues such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, and incorrect swallowing patterns that can contribute to misaligned teeth and jaws.
Myofunctional appliances work by helping to train the muscles of the mouth and face to function properly. They can be custom-made to fit a patient's specific needs and may include devices such as oral screens, tongue trainers, and lip bumpers.
The use of myofunctional appliances is often recommended as part of a comprehensive orthodontic treatment plan that may also include braces or clear aligners. By addressing underlying issues with the function of the muscles and soft tissues in the mouth and face, myofunctional appliances can help to improve the overall effectiveness of orthodontic treatment and promote better long-term oral health.

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, is performed to correct a wide range of skeletal and dental irregularities, such as misaligned jaws, class I,II and III malocclusions, and facial asymmetry. This surgery involves repositioning the jawbones to improve their alignment, which can improve both the appearance of the face and the functionality of the jaw.
Orthognathic surgery is typically performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, who works in conjunction with an orthodontist to plan and execute the surgery. The process typically involves braces, which are used to align the teeth before and after the surgery, and a combination of osteotomy and bone grafting procedures.
Orthognathic surgery is a complex procedure that requires extensive planning and preparation, as well as a significant recovery period. Patients may experience pain, swelling, and numbness in the face and jaw following the surgery, and will need to follow a strict postoperative care regimen to ensure proper healing. The results of orthognathic surgery can be life-changing, improving both the appearance and function of the jaw and enhancing a patient's quality of life.


What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a specialised branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of misaligned teeth and jaws. It is designed to improve the appearance, function, and health of a person's teeth, gums, and jaws. The orthodontic treatment also comprises orthognathic surgery and appliances.
Orthodontic treatment involves the use of various techniques and appliances, including braces, clear aligners, myofunctional appliances, surgery, and retainers, to straighten and align the teeth and jaws. These myofunctional appliances include headgear and arches.
The goal of orthodontic treatment is to correct dental or skeletal problems such as crooked or crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, crossbite, and other issues that can affect the function and appearance of the teeth and jaws.
Every ortho treatment is typically recommended for children and teenagers, but it can also be effective for adults. The duration of orthodontic treatment can vary depending on the severity of the problem, but most treatments last between 12 and 24 months.

  • Extremely Effective
  • Easy to Use & Comfortable
  • Improved Oral Health
  • Treats Multiple Dental Issues

Benefits of Getting Orthodontic Treatment

Our orthodontic treatments represent a contemporary approach to achieving a healthier smile, moving beyond the limitations and discomforts associated with traditional braces. These advanced methods provide a host of advantages aimed at improving oral health and preventing future dental issues:

  • Prevents Dental Issues: By addressing overcrowding, misalignments, and bite problems early on, our treatments can mitigate the need for more invasive procedures in the future, preserving your natural smile.
  • Improves Daily Comfort and Oral Hygiene: Unlike traditional braces, modern orthodontic solutions are designed for comfort and ease of cleaning, significantly enhancing your daily oral care routine and overall oral health.
  • Eliminates Complications from Traditional Braces: Our methods reduce the common issues associated with metal braces, such as mouth sores and dietary restrictions, offering a smoother, more enjoyable path to straighter teeth.

Who Might Need Orthodontic Treatment

Our orthodontic services cater to a diverse range of needs, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their dental health without the drawbacks of traditional braces:

For those who prioritise aesthetics alongside dental correction, our treatments offer effective solutions without compromising on appearance.

Our methods are perfectly suited for correcting various degrees of misalignment and crowding, providing a tailored approach to each patient’s unique situation.

The modern orthodontic treatments we provide are less invasive and more comfortable than conventional options, designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle without interrupting your daily habits.


Conditions Orthodontic Treatment Can Treat

Orthodontic treatment is a complete procedure capable of addressing various dental issues. Here are some conditions it can effectively treat:

Crowded or crooked teeth

Crowded or crooked teeth occur when there is not enough space in the jaw for teeth to grow in normally. This can cause teeth to overlap or grow in at odd angles, leading to difficulty cleaning teeth properly and potentially causing tooth decay or gum disease.

Gaps or spaces between teeth

Spaces between teeth can be caused by missing teeth, small teeth, or large gaps in the jaw. These spaces can make it difficult to chew properly and may cause self-consciousness about one's smile.



An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth protrude far over the lower front teeth causing improper bite and sometimes speech issues.


Cases where the lower front teeth protrude forward. This can cause difficulty biting, chewing, or speaking properly, and can also lead to jaw pain or discomfort.


When the upper teeth do not align properly with the lower teeth. This can cause difficulty biting, chewing, or speaking properly, as well as potential jaw pain or discomfort.

Procedure for Getting Orthodontic Treatment

The first step in orthodontic treatment is an initial consultation with a best orthodontist in Chennai. During this consultation, the orthodontist will examine the patient's teeth and jaws, take X-rays and photographs, and discuss the patient's goals and concerns. The famous orthodontist in Chennai will then develop a treatment plan tailored to the patient's needs.

  • Braces or aligners: Depending on the treatment plan, you may be given traditional metal braces or clear aligners, such as Invisalign. If required, you may also be advised for myofunctional appliances.
  • Adjustments: Throughout the treatment process, you will visit the orthodontist regularly for adjustments. Adjustments involve tightening the wires on braces or progressing to the next set of aligners in the case of clear aligners.
  • Retention: Once the teeth have been moved into their desired position, you will enter the retention phase of treatment where you will wear a retainer to help maintain the new position of the teeth.
  • Follow-up appointments: After the retention phase is complete, you will continue to see the orthodontist for follow-up appointments. These appointments will ensure that the teeth remain in their correct position and that the patient is satisfied with the results of the treatment.

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Why Choose Radiant Dental for Orthodontic Treatment?

Radiant Dental has a team of experienced and skilled dentists who have years of experience in orthodontic treatment.

  • Access to the latest techniques and equipment to provide safe and effective treatment.
  • Understanding your concerns and answer any questions you may have regarding the treatment.
  • Developing a personalised treatment plan that meets your specific needs and dental design.
  • Accurate diagnosis of dental problems with state-of-the-art technology, digital X-rays and intraoral cameras.
  • Safe and advanced sedation techniques for comfortable procedures.
  • Radiant Dental offers affordable and transparent pricing for all their orthodontic treatments.

Treatable Cases

Radiant Dental takes pride in providing the best possible treatment that aims to improve your smile.

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Have questions? We have the answers

The length of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the severity of your dental issues. The treatment can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.

Yes, once you are accustomed to them, you will have no difficulty in wearing them. However, some myofunctional appliances like headgear or chin cups may be uncomfortable.

There might be some restrictions on food like hard or chewy candies but you will be able to eat all your favourite foods.

Yes, you can still play sports or musical instruments while wearing braces. However, you should wear mouthguards while playing any contact sports.

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