How Dental Posts Can Save Your Teeth: A Simple Guide

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Last Modified: February 5, 2024


how dental posts can save your teeth

Have you ever heard about something in dentistry called a dental post? It is not something we talk about a lot, but it is essential for keeping your teeth healthy. Radiant Dental Care is the best dental implant clinic in Chennai because they use dental posts to help teeth that are weak and might need some extra help. In this guide, we are going to discuss what a dental post is, how it works, and why it is essential in saving teeth. Think of it as learning about a hidden helper in dentistry that can keep your smile looking great. Let’s dive into understanding dental posts and how they play a big part in keeping your teeth strong and healthy.

What is a Dental Post?

A question arises: ‘What is a dental post?’ Well, a dental post is a small, strong rod that can be made of metal or something like carbon fibre. Dentists use it in your tooth after you have had a root canal. Its main job is to make the tooth strong and stable, especially if the tooth is weak or could break easily.

how dental posts can save your teeth info

How a Dental Post Helps Your Tooth

Putting the Post in After a Root Canal

After the dentist removes the bad part inside your tooth during a root canal, there is space left inside. The dental post goes into this space. It is like a strong stick that sits inside your tooth to make it stable and strong, especially if your tooth is weak or might break.

Making Weak Teeth Strong Again

Sometimes, a tooth can be weak because it is broken, cracked, or worn down. Here, a dental post is beneficial. It acts like a backbone inside your tooth. After the insertion of the post, the dentist adds a unique material around it. This builds up the tooth, so it becomes strong again. Then, they can put a crown on top. The crown is like a cap that looks and works just like your natural tooth. Now, your tooth can be used generally for eating and looks just like your other teeth.

Helping the Crown Stay in Place

The dental post is not just about making the tooth strong; it also helps keep the crown in place. Because the post is in the tooth, the dental crown has something to attach to. This way, the crown will not fall off or move around. It is like having a new tooth that is strong and stays in place.

Keeping Your Natural Tooth

One of the best things about dental posts is they help in maintaining the health of your natural tooth. Instead of pulling the tooth out and replacing it with an artificial one, the post lets you maintain the health of your original tooth.

Why Radiant Dental Care is the Best for Dental Posts

Radiant Dental Care in Chennai is known as the best teeth alignment specialist in Chennai. They have experts who have great experience in fixing teeth and putting in dental posts.

Reasons for Choosing Them

  • Skilled Dentists: They have a team of dentists who are experts in their work, especially with dental implants and fixing teeth.
  • Modern Tools: The clinic has the modern tools and technology to make sure you get the best treatment.
  • They Care About You: They make sure each person gets the care that is right for them.
  • Perfect Place for Dental Care: They make dentist visits easy, from the friendly staff to the comfortable clinic.



Dental posts play an important role in fixing teeth due to damage or decay. They make sure your teeth stay strong and look good, even after procedures like root canals. With the help of a skilled dentist in Adyar at the top dental clinic in Chennai – Radiant Dental Care, a dental post can save a tooth and keep your smile looking great.


FAQ 1: Does It Hurt to Get a Dental Post?

Ans. It is usually not too painful. The dentist will numb your tooth, so you should not feel much. It feels a lot like when you get a filling or have a root canal done.

FAQ 2: How Long Will My Dental Post Last?

Ans. Dental posts can last a really long time, often for many years. How long yours will last depends on how you take care of it and your overall dental health. Going to the dentist regularly for check-ups helps keep it in good shape.

FAQ 3: Can Everyone Get a Dental Post?

Ans. Most people can get a dental post if they need it. But it depends on your tooth’s condition and your gums. Your dentist will be able to tell you if a dental post is a good choice for your tooth.

FAQ 4: What Should I Do After Getting a Dental Post?

Ans. After you get a dental post, you should look after it just like your other teeth. Make sure to brush and floss every day. Also, keep going to the dentist for regular check-ups to keep your dental post and teeth healthy.

FAQ 5: How Can I Tell If I Need a Dental Post?

Ans. You might need a dental post if you have a tooth that is weak, broken, or has a root canal. The best way to know is to see a dentist. They can check your tooth and tell you if a dental post is right for you.


February 5, 2024

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